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ID: 1434236886

Status: Open
Budget: USD 100-400
Created: 6/13/2015 17:08
Bidding Ends: 7/13/2015 17:08 (28 days left)
Project Creator: jpkpagan
Rating: (No Feedback Yet)
Description: I have an informative webpage comparing traditional cigarettes (TC) to electronic cigarettes. I also mention the truths and lies about electronic cigarettes (EC) Big Pharma, Tobacco companies and Government have used to slow down the sales.

I believe the webpage can get a facelift and add on a monthly basis more informative information about EC. More and more smokers are turning to EC rather than TC. By the way my company distributes electronic cigarettes in USA and Puerto Rico so I need the new info translated in Spanish as well. (google translator). I want to use this webpage to provide reliable info on both topics plus use it as a way to get a big list of emails from current smokers. In the webpage I want to add another page to get smokers hopefully to my online store which is another site. I also want like a good informative page to be in the first page when this type of info is searched with all the search engines.
my page caters mostly to latinos smokers. I need to find someone who has the talent to research information and add it to my webpage, also to organize my current webpage and to add more informative info and images. I probably need a face lift but I need this quickly done. My market is USA and Latin country smokers.
Who is ready to take this challenge to the next level? How much time will you take to finish this project? What is a fair price? And what will you charge to add positive info about electronic cigarettes each month. I also have a Facebook page that with the same webpage name. Facebook page info will start from scratch and will need maintanance every day.
Job Type: Website Redesign
Database System: Suggest
Programming Platform: Suggest

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