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Project: Joomla + JReviews Customization
ID: 1304135484

Status: Open
Budget: N/A
Created: 4/29/2011 21:51
Bidding Ends: 5/29/2011 21:51 (29 days left)
Project Creator: russellmoran
Rating: (No Feedback Yet)
Description: This is a joomla and JReviews customization project. You must be familiar with JReviews. If you are not, do not post a bid.

I need help customizing jReviews so that after an event (title) has been created by a user it can be rated. Now, the difficult part. I need the "rating" we gave that event (title) associated with "field2 (part of listing)" and have "field2" to be tagged/linked/associated with the original "title". The goal is that "field2" will have multiple reviews based on different listings (titles) that users create, but somehow would like to link all the identical "field2" entries and rate them based on an average of all the listings (titles) that used the same "field2".

In my mind, this may require accessing the mysql database and writing script to find the "field2" that are identical and average the ratings. I would like to be able to grade the specific "ratings" based on importance.

This "field2" should have it's own searchable page to fit my template as well. I have more details if you are interested need to know. I can give exact information, but due to intellectual property, I don't want to give out too much here.

Using, joomla 1.6, theme Sportal, JReviews 2.3
Job Type:
  • Database
  • Website Development
  • mySQL
  • PHP
  • Joomla
Database System: MySQL

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