Get quotes from freelancers and freelance developers for a variety of programming or website design jobs and projects
We have buyers who Outrsource work to Freelance Website Designers and Professional Freelance Programmers, IT consultants and Website Developers for Script Development (Perl, CGI, PHP, ASP), Script Installation (UNIX, Linux, Windows Systems), Database Design (MS Access, SQL, mySQL, Orcale, Postgres), Web Design/Development & CMS (HTML, XML, Java, perl, VB/Visual Basic, Cold Fusion), Firewall & Security, Creative Work, Multimedia, Animation, Banner Ad, Flash, Graphic Design, Logo, GUI, ECommerce and Shopping Cart, Payment Gateway Script, Website Redesign, Web Template and more ...
If you are a freelancer, what could be better? You don't pay us anything until the buyers are ready to hire you as a freelance coder or a freelance web designer. When they post a request for quote at Freelance, you will be notified and you save time because you will not need to search on the web for several job search sites to find freelance jobs. You can just bid on the jobs you like and you will be notified if they buyers select your bid and award you the work. If you are working another full-time job, you can bid on just a few freelance jobs based on your schedule or just make freelancing a career once you get good ratings and get invited to bid on new jobs posted by buyers. Either way, it is better than hunting for a job on an online job search engine and spend most of your time browsing for jobs online.